Progress Toward American Renewal

  1. TO AFFIRM our national relationship with GOD in our places of worship, schools, mottos, and public spaces
    • The Pledge Protection Act
    • The Constitution Restoration Act
    • The Public Expression of Religion Act
    • The Workplace Religious Freedom Act
  2. TO SECURE our national interest in the institutions of MARRIAGE AND FAMILY
    • A constitutional amendment to completely protect marriage
    • The Marriage Protection Act
  3. TO SECURE our fundamental right as PARENTS
    • Legislation to codify principles which would protect parental rights
    • The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act
    • The Parental Consent Act
    • The Child Medication Safety Act
    • Legislation that empowers parents to choose schools
    • Enforcement of the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
  4. TO SECURE our God-bestowed right to LIFE
    • Legislation to affirm the right to life of our children before birth
    • The Human Cloning Protection Act
    • Legislation prohibiting the use of human embryos for research
    • The Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act
    • Legislation to prohibit any taxpayer money for organizations that perform, promote, and/or fund abortions
  5. TO SECURE our God-granted LIBERTIES
    • Legislation to reverse the loss of religious liberty for churches involved in moral and social issues
    • Legislation to ensure that speech and lawful religious expression are never punished as a "hate crime"
    • An amendment to the Higher Education Act to require that institutions of higher education guarantee First Amendment rights
    • Legislation to provide for prisoner re-entry training and mentoring
    • Legislation or policies that call for continued rejection of the anti-family and deceptively-named "U.N. Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)"
  6. TO SECURE our God-given stewardship of PROPERTY
    • Legislation affirming that government may not redefine "public use" to take the private property of one person to give to another
  7. TO SECURE an environment of DECENCY
    • Legislation to restrict obscenity and pornography, and guard against its misguided protection under the First Amendment
    • Legislation to fundamentally reform the national tax system and reduce the tax burden on Americans
    • Legislation to make permanent Marriage Penalty Relief and the Child Tax Credit
  9. TO SECURE our NATIONAL BORDERS and identity
    • True enforcement and border security
    • Legislation to prohibit the use of foreign law as authority
  10. TO COUNTER the actions of JUDGES who legislate from the bench, we urgently call for JUDICIAL RESTRAINT and AN END TO JUDICIAL ACTIVISM
    • The Judicial Conduct Act to hold federal judges accountable to the Constitution